
Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The Destinations message series is one of the most penetrating and relevant that you'll ever hear. The Principle of The Path that Andy introduces in Part 1 of this series is an intuitive truth. Direction, NOT intention, determines destination. We know this. We just struggle to apply it sometimes. There is often a disconnect between where we want to end up and the path we choose. We all need to course correct sometimes and persevere through circumstances to get where we want to be.

Because grace and truth can set us free, we can focus on course correcting today rather than allowing the the past to hold us captive. Here are two important questions to process:
  1. If you continue on your current course, where will you end up?
  2. Has anyone tried to warn you lately? Your conscience? Do you know anyone who has walked your path and ended up where you want to be relationally?
Everyone around Longleaf Church that knows me well will not be surprised to hear me say that connecting yourself to a Community Group is one of the best ways to create guard rails in your life that will help you (and me) stay the course. If you're not connected, contact us about getting connected. Over the next couple of weeks, let's ask ourselves the two questions above, read through Proverbs 7:6-27 and process The Principle of The Path in our lives.

I can't wait to see everyone on 2/28! Stay tuned for details...

Monday, February 1, 2010

You Know It...

You Know It...
  • Bible Passage - James 1:1-18
  • Principle - Perseverance
  • Bottom Line - Perseverance will make you wiser.

My Small Group recently started a discussion of The Book of James. Our discussion was super relevant to everyone, so I wanted to share it.

James is a book of the New Testament and most scholars agree that it was written by the earthly brother of Jesus by the same name. James was a leader in the early church. The letter of James is addressed to "The 12 Tribes" or the early Jewish Christians. However, it's profoundly applicable to all of us.

In the first few verses, James introduces the notion that trials of many kinds test our faith and produce perseverance (James 1:2-3). He reminds his readers that they know this to be true. Persecution was a part of life for the early church. Whether one believes in the gospel of Jesus or not, he knows he will face trials of many kinds. James further states that these trials will come internally as well (James 1:14). We call these internal trials temptation. As we individually deal with our inevitable trials and temptations, James reminds us that our response should be to seek wisdom from God AND have the faith to know that He will provide it.

Sometimes, it's tough to persevere and develop our patience. It seems that the internal and external challenges of life come at us in waves. The thing to remember is that all good things come from God and He will provide unique insight and revelation to us in the midst of difficulties if we will seek it in earnest.

I pray that you will have a a great week and that each one of us will grow in patience and wisdom.