
Thursday, May 7, 2009


Seven leaders from Longleaf Church just returned from a great conference at North Point Community Church called Drive. North Point's vision is to create a church that unchurched people love to attend. That vision has expanded to include unleashing other churches to pursue this compelling vision. It was energizing for us to be immersed in a church culture where people have poured their hearts and their gifts into this vision and to see first hand how God has been glorified in a BIG BIG way through North Point.

Longleaf Church is Strategic Partner of North Point and we share this vision. Our vision is to LAUNCH a church that unchurched people LOVE to attend. Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We are convicted by the urgency to connect with FUTURE GENERATIONS, the urgency for people to do life together in SMALL GROUPS, and the urgency of churches to be CULTURALLY RELEVANT. We are excited about our shared vision with North Point and about the community of people in Central Georgia that are emerging to join us in launching Longleaf Church.

This is going to be hard work, we are going to make mistakes along the way and the leader definitely doesn't have all the answers. That's OK. This endeavor is the real deal. It's about joining God's unfolding story where we live. We know that it's worth it and we know that we can do all things through Him (Philippians 4:13). Man, this going to be fun.....

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