
Saturday, November 14, 2009


If you been around me very much, you've probably heard me pose the question "what does that look like?" when discussing concepts or principles. In other words, I want to understand the practical realities of turning concepts or principles into action. At Longleaf LIVE last Sunday, Andy discussed a healthy tension for us to wrestle with in Part 1 of the Why Worry series. That healthy tension is; Our worry points to what we are devoted to in our hearts.....so, what are we devoted to? Jesus teaches that we can't serve our stuff while also serving him (Matthew 6:24). Furthermore, Jesus reminds us that anxiety and worry will not add a single hour to our lives and instructs us that perhaps we simply need to reorder our priorities (Matthew 6:27 - 6:34)

I have read through Matthew 6:24 - 6:34 this week and processed how this tension plays out in my life. On issues or challenges where I have shifted my focus to the things that I can do and trusted God to do only what he can do, some good things have happened. Those good things often seem to be people that enter my life at particular times or particular moments and answer my prayers in profound and encouraging ways. So, "what this looks like" for me are catalyst relationships. I shouldn't be surprised by this because God has always worked this way. I can't wait for Longleaf LIVE on 11/22 and Why Worry Part 2!!

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