When we think about the achievements of our lives they can be expressed as an overflow of the trust we have placed in something or someone. Conversely, we have all placed our trust in people and things that let have let us down. Think about it. Trust establishes the foundation of our lives. Relationships are built on trust. Healthy organizations are built upon a foundation of trust (internally and with customers). Trust grants a mandate to our nation's elected leaders. Trust is a big deal and we all need trusting relationships to thrive in this life. The problem is, the people we trust sometimes let us down. As a result, the more cynical and less trusting we become. Understandably, there's a lot of distrust and skepticism directed at the economic conditions in our country right now. I get it, there are a lot of broken people who have trusted and gotten burned. Imagine if a greater truth existed that we can trust no matter what. Truth that transcends everything and establishes a lasting foundation for life.......
I have been playing Monopoly Junior with my kids today. Like in the game of Monopoly, we are prone to misplace our trust in money rather than trusting God. Sometimes we approach life like it's just a game of acquisition. The rewards of hard work are forthright as long as we glorify Him who provides us with our potential and our opportunities. Money and God are often at odds within our hearts. More specifically, the provisions of money as opposed to the provisions of God. The bible has a lot to say about money. In his famous Sermon on The Mount address Jesus tells His followers not to worry about the basic provisions of life but rather to seek first the kingdom of God and the provisions will be added. He tells His followers to live by BIG FAITH (Matthew 6:25 -34). He said just TRUST ME. It's tough not to worry sometimes but I would rather place my trust in Jesus than anything else.
Church planting takes people on a journey of BIG FAITH. Particularly during these days. We are calling on our Heavenly Father to provide the resources and the partners necessary to launch a unique church focused on leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We are earnestly SEEKING FIRST the kingdom and ASKING BIG from the ultimate source of provision. The cool thing is that the core people of Longleaf Church have the unique opportunity to be an integral part of something so much BIGGER than any of us. We are SEEKING FIRST and ASKING BIG. It's going to be quite a ride!