
Sunday, November 29, 2009

INTERSECT! This Christmas

It is truly better to give than to receive! As Longleaf gears up for the Christmas season, it is our vision to support those in need, here locally and across the globe. As a community, Longleaf will partner with several organizations and share in the joys of blessing others this Christmas season.

Here are three opportunities for you and your family to get involved:

Longleaf's Canned Food Drive

Throughout the month of December, Longleaf will be collecting canned goods. All canned goods collected will be donated to Perry Volunteer Outreach in support of their ministry to the needy and their new homeless shelter, opening in January 2010. Clean out your pantry, pick up a few extra canned goods on your next trip to the grocery store and bring them to the next Longleaf LIVE service on December 6. Canned goods will be collected through December 22, 2009.

Bite Back Campaign

The Bite Back Campaign is a project where our UpStreet kids (pictured below) are partnering with Compassion International and students around the world to raise money to purchase mosquito nets to protect African children from malaria. Bring your spare change and help our Longleaf students as they work hard to help provide for these children in need.

Buy a net. Save a life. Bite back.

  • Adopt-A-Family
Lastly, Longleaf church encourages those of you who are able to support local outreaches in their adopt-a-family ministries. There are many families right here in the Middle Georgia area who are in need and YOU could be the one to bring smiles to their faces this Christmas. Click HERE for the link to a local organization seeking families to adopt those in need!

At the next Longleaf LIVE (Sunday, December 6) we will have an INTERSECT table set up for your donations and to answer any questions. Bring a few canned goods to church, grab a few dimes from your spare change drawer and pull together a few friends to adopt-a-family. Lets work together this season to spread the love of Jesus through Longleaf, right here in Middle Georgia!!

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