
Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The journey of planting Longleaf Church took a big step this past Sunday as we entered a new and exciting chapter! We launched an environment called Longleaf LIVE. Longleaf LIVE includes a worship service and family ministry environments. Over 100 Adults and 40 kids were in attendance at the first Longleaf LIVE. The message, the culture and our vision seemed to resonate with all who attended. You could feel the energy! I'm grateful for His grace and for good friends on this journey together. I'm excited about the direction of our church and I can't wait 'til November 22! A "full-launch" is on our horizon....

As always, I ask that our committed people engage in 4 Things:
  1. Serve Strategically (Host Team is a great first step)
  2. Connect with a Small Group
  3. Invest and Invite (email, eVite, facebook, CD's)
  4. Give Intentionally (I've unpacked this a little bit below)
To fulfill our mission and vision, we have sought to raise start-up capital AND generate an average monthly giving pattern of $15,000 before launching. Our North Point partners have coached us towards these financial benchmarks. They will provide us with a healthy foundation and will afford us the opportunity to create the compelling AND sustainable ministry environments that will change lives across Central Georgia. We are quickly closing in on a $15,000 average monthly giving pattern as the Longleaf community continues to grow. We are hoping and praying for more people to give intentionally, the amount that's right for them, to Longleaf Church. Additionally, we are prayerfully seeking visionary support for our capital needs. Here is a current breakdown of our capital needs:

Remaining Capital Needs
  • Audio Equipment = $18,500 (ATTAINED $2500)
  • Video Equipment =$12,000
  • Lighting and Staging = $4000
  • UpStreet Environment (K5 - 5th Grade) = $5000 (ATTAINED $2000)
  • Waumba Land Environment (Birth - 4k) = $4000 (ATTAINED $2000)
  • Office Equipment = $1500 (ATTAINED $2500)
  • Production Trailer = $1400
  • Reserve Funds = $20,000 ($10,000 ATTAINED)
  • AMENDED GOAL = $49, 900
Giving is easy....
  1. Give at Longleaf Live.
  2. The easiest and most flexible way to give is through eGive (see below).
One-time gifts and monthly tithing can be made via eGive. Simply click the eGive logo from this page, set up an account through their service and establish your giving to Longleaf Church.

Thanks for the part that you are playing to plant and become Longleaf Church!

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