
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jet Blast

This past Sunday was a monumental moment in the life of Longleaf Church. It was great to pause and reflect on how far we've come and encouraging to see our community of people rally around our final pre-launch goal, a $20k regular monthly giving pattern. Since we began our church planting journey, we envisioned a process that's analogous to paving a runway before launching an airplane.

Runway dimensions vary from as small as 804 ft long in smaller general aviation airports, to 18,045 ft long and 262 ft wide at large international airports built to accommodate the largest jets. Whatever the runway dimensions, the distances are carefully calculated and constructed accordingly. If you have flown, you have experienced the sudden acceleration that occurs when an airplane is positioned on the runway and ready for take-off. In Church Planting, the calculations aren't exactly mathematical because Planting a church is about faith. However, God calls us to prepare and work hard in everything we do, especially the mobilization and expansion of His church....

To see God continue to build and establish Longleaf Church is so much fun. That's right, fun. Being part of the Longleaf Church movement takes sacrifice, faith and perseverance, but is also a lot of fun. God is faithful and he grants power and purpose to the church. His story of faithfulness is unfolding right now at Longleaf Church.

There is an exciting day on the horizon for our church. It's coming. Our church will launch with power and purpose. Jet blast is the phenomenon of rapid air movement produced by the jet engines of aircraft, particularly on or before takeoff. Get ready to feel a Jet Blast around Longleaf Church in a few months. As always, thanks for the part that you're playing to plant our church. If you haven't already, I hope that you'll take a moment to fill our our RUNWAY form.

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