
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Guest Post

From Sonny Seneker.....
I was reading my devotionals this morning and the following are some thoughts that popped in my head:

 Plans for tomorrow

"You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." - James 4:14b
We don't know what tomorrow will bring nor do we know if we will be on this earth in the next second. All we have control of is our actions and reactions in this very moment. Are we living a Godly life or are we living a secular life? If God spoke to you and said, “You will die in 3 hours”, how would you spend your remaining time on earth? How many of your daily activities would all of a sudden seem meaningless?

Are we fulfilling every purpose God has for us on earth?

"For David...served the purpose of God in his own generation" (Acts 13:36 NASB)
God has a purpose for each of us. Are we seeking his purpose or are we chasing after worldly things? Think about your activities from the past week; think about what you are planning on doing today. Are we busy seeking worldly things and human acceptance separate from God or are we seeking His wisdom and guidance for our life here on earth?

Longleaf Church

After attending our small group last night and reading this morning, I have been thinking about how God has brought people together to create Longleaf.  It has become very clear to me that Longleaf is not just another church; it is intentionally structured to avoid the trap of tradition so that tradition does not become your religion. I believe each of us has been called by God to participate in building this church and in doing so we need to stay focused on Him and His will for us. Also, we need to be constantly reminded that we are building Longleaf not as a church for us to attend, but a church that will attract people who would otherwise not go to church. I encourage each of you to seek God’s special purpose for you in building Longleaf.

Don’t delay….ask Him now for who knows what the next moment in your life will bring.  
Sonny Seneker

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