
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cultural Relevance

The trends in our culture change and evolve so fast. Relevance can be a moving target. Successful organizations want to remain relevant to this generation and become relevant to the next. For something to be relevant to a person it must effectively connect with a desire or need. We could all name a product or an organization that has really hit the mark with relevant products in recent years. A really great product should deliver exceptional value and some products can even inspire passion. The packaging and marketing should be engaging and the product must deliver on it's promises. Great products often inspire loyal customers that relationally "evangelize" their products.

Churches have the best product in the universe and it's free to everybody who believes. This righteousness from God that comes through faith in Jesus Christ is offered to all who believe, everybody has sinned and everybody has a path for redemption (Romans 3:21-24). We (the church) have been commissioned to share this amazing product, the gospel of Jesus Christ with everybody.

It seems that we (the church) should be markedly relevant to our culture. It seems that a church of "inspired customers" should be influential with outsiders. I don't mean crazy Christians with bullhorns (have you seen the guy outside the GT games? Not cool.). I mean an irresistible culture of people where the grace of God is expressed through relevant environments. A litmus test for relevance would be whether or not we can effectively invite our friends to church short of "guilt tripping" them into going.

I feel that churches should creatively leverage technology, media, music and art to create relevant environments. Another critical component of relevant church environments are discernible next steps for visitors. Ultimately, a relevant church culture moves people to environments that empower accountability, belonging and care. At Longleaf Church, we believe the best environment for these ABC's are small groups. The defining trait of a small group is something we call Authentic Community. Authentic Community is more than relevant.....it's irresistible.

Longleaf Church is hosting a series of informational events in March and April to share our vision for creating a simply irresistible church culture. Visit our website or click HERE to contact us for more information.

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