
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lego People

My family loves Lego's. We are a creative bunch and Lego's are such a great outlet for our creative energy. I love that the kids can simply imagine something then set out to build it. Lego's don't just come in your basic brick shapes. There are endless shapes and colors designed to build a huge variety of things. We just visited Lego Land in Orlando and there are some larger than life examples of what people can build with Lego's. The pictures above are of my two youngest kids (Em and Harmon) designing and building Lego people. The cool thing about Lego's is that they take our creativity out-of-the-box and allow us to dream. It seems that so many people feel very constrained and boxed-in by life. We should never completely lose the wonder and imagination of childhood. We are all wired to wonder, to dream, to discover and to create....

There are so many times in life when you and I surrender our passions and our dreams because someone or some part of our culture tells us that we are incapable of realizing our dreams and we settle for something less than our God given potential. Cultural currents tend to propel us away from our dreams and we eventually lose sight of whatever it was we dreamed that we could do. Passions give way to complacency. It's interesting that culture seems to position wisdom and courage as being at odds with following our passions and our dreams. Can dreamers be wise and courageous? I suppose that it depends on the heart of the dreamer....

How about Christians? Aren't we suppose to be boring, status-quo type people? We're not suppose to dream big and tell God what we wish for, or are we? Jesus compared himself to a vine and he represented his followers as the branches of this vine. He further explained that those who remain in him will bear much fruit, but apart from him we can do nothing (John 15:5). If we are following Jesus with our hearts, we can trust our dreams. He wants us to blossom and bring glory to our Heavenly Father. The wisdom of the Word will guide us to boldly pursue our potential and our dreams. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples (John 15: 7-8 NIV).

Is there something in your life that you feel like you are suppressing? Do you feel called to do something that you can't seem to find the courage to do? If you believe that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life then commit your dreams and passions to him by asking big. Then wait for an opening and go for it. Though we will stumble, we are offered great strength to lead fruitful lives that bring fulfillment and reflect glory to God. Our unique gift-sets are like a set of Lego's waiting to create an inspiring work of art that makes an eternal difference!

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