I am looking forward to our 2/42 gathering tonight. It's so cool that a relational culture already exists at the core of our faith movement (Longleaf Church). It's awesome to consider our future, a church of Small Groups where disconnected people move from rows to circles and "do life together." Small Groups are environments where people experience accountability, belonging and care. Community Groups (Small Groups for adults) at Longleaf Church will encourage growth in three vital relationships; Intimacy with God, Community with Insiders and Influence with Outsiders. Our stories of faith in Jesus will be encapsulated in the "Authentic Community" of Community Groups.
During our early days, the 2/42 will serve as a hybrid environment that will bridge us to a time when we fully organize our small groups and have our first worship service. We are also working to equip our families and invest in the children of Longleaf while we "incubate" our faith movement. I am thankful that two families, the Jarrards and the Greens are really taking initiative on the Family Ministry front. All of this feels somewhat daunting and I haven't even mentioned funding! We are on a journey of faith. When we read about the origins of the early church in the book of Acts we learn that the faith of the Apostles and the early believers was stretched again and again. As the gospel spread and the church became organized, there were several instances when followers had to exercise extraordinary faith.
The first church meeting (oh boy!) is recorded in the 15th chapter of Acts. All of the heavy-hitter leaders of the early church were there. Some of the people were challenging the preaching of the gospel to the gentiles (anybody that was not a Jew). The converts who had been Jewish Pharisees wanted the Gentiles to get circumcised and follow their laws as conditions. They were building boundaries to outsiders and underestimating the power of the gospel. In response, Peter said "He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith" (Acts 15:9). Peter's point was expounded upon by James (brother of Jesus) then Paul and Barnabas told of how the gospel had been spreading among Gentiles through them. Since this first "church meeting" and in spite of great obstacles, the spread of the gospel was unleashed around the world to generation after generation. The growth of the church has been miraculous.
The penetrating power of faith in Jesus tears down all boundaries and removes all obstacles. The gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone so it's our job as the church to make ourselves accessible to outsiders. Like some of the early believers, we sometimes underestimate the power of our faith and try to box God in. When we focus on the ultimate mission of the church (reaching people) we can unleash our faith and inspire a movement. We (I) must remain strong in the faith as we endeavor to plant a church. Two thousand years ago, unfiltered faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ unleashed a passionate movement of people. This movement continues....
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